dorper sheep造句
- Recently Dorper sheep have been introduced to produce salt bush mutton.
- Dorper sheep had been introduced to a merino base in 2003.
- Dorper sheep had been introduced to a merino base in 2003
- Kenhardt is famous for being at the heart of the Dorper sheep-farming area.
- Nowadays the bulk of the sheep found in this district are dorper sheep and not merino.
- Hamersley sold Pine Valley later the same year but retained Redcliffe where he continued breeding white dorper sheep.
- Rutherford also reintroduced sheep to the property by introducing Dorper sheep for meat production and also to provide training for people in the Ngarluma Community.
- The Red Maasai was the predominate sheep breed among the Maasai and other tribes in Kenya until the 1970s, when subsidies began to support crossbreeding with Dorper sheep and other imported types.
- It's difficult to see dorper sheep in a sentence. 用dorper sheep造句挺难的
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